Holding Distracted Drivers Accountable


Distracted driving is a widely recognized public health problem, but negligent drivers continue to text and engage in other dangerous distractions behind the wheel. As a result, innocent victims and their families are left devastated by car accidents.

If you or someone you love has been harmed by a distracted driver, we can help you get the full and fair compensation you deserve. At Vincent P. Scallan Law, LLC, we represent injury victims and their families throughout the greater New Orleans area.

For a free consultation with a skilled and dedicated attorney, contact us today. We fight for personal injury victims in parishes throughout southern Louisiana.

Texting While Driving Is A Life-Taker

Each year, distracted driving leads to hundreds of thousands of injuries and thousands of deaths nationwide. While distraction behind the wheel can take many forms, texting while driving is perhaps the most dangerous. Studies have shown that texting while driving is just as dangerous as drunk driving.

Attorney Vincent P. Scallan has the knowledge, experience and resources to hold distracted drivers and their insurance providers accountable. Before you talk to an insurance adjuster about your car accident, talk to us. We can help you maximize your compensation for medical bills, lost wages and other losses resulting from the crash.

We handle all types of injury cases involving driver distraction, including:

The Insurance Company Is Not On Your Side

Insurance companies have lawyers and representatives whose job is to reduce or deny compensation to you. It is only fair that you have an experienced lawyer on your side, fighting for your rights and interests.

You may have medical and financial needs that are not accounted for by the insurance company’s initial settlement offer. Before you accept a lowball settlement, let us help you level the playing field. We can handle all communications with the insurance company, and we will negotiate on your behalf for the maximum available compensation for your injuries. Your only concern should be healing. Let us take care of the rest.

Schedule A Free Consultation

Arrange a free consultation by calling 504-410-7988, or complete our contact form. We handle personal injury cases on a contingency-fee basis. That means we do not collect a fee unless we win compensation for you.


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